Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Press Statements from DYFI and AIDWA on the Palghar arrest

Press statement from the Democratic Youth Federation of India (DYFI), dated 20th November 2012:

Maharashtra government must stop patronizing semi-fascist forces

The Maharashtra State Committee of the Democratic Youth Federation of India (DYFI) condemns the terror unleashed jointly by Shivsena elements and police authorities against two young women Shaheen Dhada and Rini Srinivasan residing in Palghar town in Thane district. As per media reports, 21 year old Shaheen  posted a comment in the social networking website ‘Facebook’ expressing her protest against forcing the people to observe ‘Bandh’ in the wake of Bal Thackarey’s demise. Rini is said to have “liked” Shaheen’s facebook posting. In an obviously co-ordinated move to terrorize these two girls, Police officials arrested the girls on false charges and Shivsena cadre vandalized the hospital run by Shaheen’s uncle Dr. Abdul Dhada.  The arrested girls were released on bail by a local court on the surety of 15000 rupees.

As rightly pointed out by Press Council chairman Justice Markandey Katju, if the state government fails to protect the two girls and punish the police officers who abused their power, it would simply mean that our state is not being run in a democratic manner as envisaged by the Constitution.

Congress-NCP rule in Maharashtra is characterized by brazen attack on the livelihood and economic rights of the people along with shameless looting of public wealth. This government consciously promotes semi-fascist Shivsena and MNS in order to disable the people from putting up united democratic resistance against corruption and neo-liberal economic policies that are causing misery to millions of poor and lower-middle class families. 

State patronage to Shivsena right from its earliest days is a well-known fact. The Shaheen Dhada episode is just another example of how government machinery under Congress rule connives with semi-fascist forces. 

We appeal to all democratic-minded citizens to unite in the great tradition of Samyukta Maharashtra movement and stand up against semi-fascist Shivsena, its break-away faction MNS and Congress-NCP regime who are out to take away basic rights of the people by terror tactics. We demand the following from the Maharashtra government:
  1. Withdraw the case against Shaheen Dhada and Rini Srinivasan immediately.
  2. Suspend from service and prosecute the Policemen who abused their power to terrorize Shaheen and Rini.
  3. Arrest all the criminals who vandalized Dr. Abdul Dhada's Orthopeadic Hospital immediately.
  4. Stop patronizing semi-fascist forces.
Adv.Bhagwan Bhojane (President)
Preethy Sekhar (Secretary) 
DYFI Maharashtra State Committee


Press statement from the All India Democratic Women’s Association (AIDWA), dated 20th November 2012:


The Maharashtra State Committee of the All India Democratic Women’s Association (Akhil Bharatiya Janwadi Mahila Sanghatana) expresses deep concern and outrage at the high handed arrest of two young women in Palghar, Thane for expressing on ‘Face book’ their discomfort at the complete shutdown in Mumbai following the death of Bal Thackeray. The local Shiv Sainiks, true to the intolerance practiced by their party, intimidated them into giving a forced apology and complained to the police. Shockingly, the Palghar police, instead of providing them with security and taking action against those harassing them, arrested the two young women on serious charges of outraging religious feelings and posting an offensive message. These were later changed to an arbitrary charge of ‘creating enmity’ after a public uproar. This is a complete travesty of the Constitutional right to democratic freedom of expression available to every citizen of India. 

The complicity of the Police emboldened the local Shiv Sainiks and their supporters to vandalise two hospitals of a relative of one of the women and intimidate their families. The police did not act against, nor arrest, those responsible for breaking law and order. These developments seriously compromise our democratic functioning and weaken the law and order in the state. The AIDWA in Thane has continuously being raising the problem of arbitrary and false cases and lack of action by the rural Thane police who side with political elements and criminal forces.

We demand that the Maharashtra Government takes strict action against those responsible for the arbitrary arrest and charges. The Shiv Sainiks responsible for the harassment and violence must be arrested immediately. The Government must ensure protection for the young women and their families, withdraw the false cases and compensate them for the high handedness of the police.

Kiran Moghe, President

Sonya Gill, Secretary
Mariam Dhawale, Vice-President

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